

  • Visualizing spatial and temporal trends of criminal activity
  • Analyzing factors that may affect unlawful behavior

Study Area

Software Needed

Download R and RStudio

First, you’ll download and set up R and RStudio, a free integrated development environment for R. RStudio helps you work in R by providing a coding platform with access to CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network, which contains thousands of R libraries, a built-in viewer for charts and graphs, and other useful features.

  • If necessary, download R 3.4.0 or later. Accept all defaults in the installation wizard.

  • If necessary, download RStudio Desktop. Accept all defaults in the installation wizard.

Install R libraries

if(!require(readr)) install.packages("readr")
if(!require(dplyr)) install.packages("dplyr")
if(!require(DT)) install.packages("DT")
if(!require(ggrepel)) install.packages("ggrepel")
if(!require(leaflet)) install.packages("leaflet")

Data Preprocessing

Read the data

Load the data using readr and read_csv().

# path <- ""
path <- "D:\\Data\\Crime\\SF_Crime_2007_2016.csv"
df <- read_csv(path)

Display Data

Display the data using DT and datatable().

df_sub <- df[1:100,]  # display the first 100 rows
df_sub$Time <- as.character(df_sub$Time) 
datatable(df_sub, options = list(pageLength = 5,scrollX='400px'))
sprintf("Number of Rows in Dataframe: %s", format(nrow(df),big.mark = ","))
## [1] "Number of Rows in Dataframe: 1,435,794"

Preprocess Data

The All-Caps text is difficult to read. Let’s force the text in the appropriate columns into proper case.

# str(df)
proper_case <- function(x) {
  return (gsub("\\b([A-Z])([A-Z]+)", "\\U\\1\\L\\2" , x, perl=TRUE))

df <- df %>% mutate(Category = proper_case(Category),
                    Descript = proper_case(Descript),
                    PdDistrict = proper_case(PdDistrict),
                    Resolution = proper_case(Resolution),
                    Time = as.character(Time))
df_sub <- df[1:100,]  # display the first 100 rows
datatable(df_sub, options = list(pageLength = 5,scrollX='400px'))

Visualize Data

Crime across space

Display crime incident locations on the map using leaflet. Click icons on the map to show incident details.


data <- df[1:10000,] # display the first 10,000 rows
data$popup <- paste("<b>Incident #: </b>", data$IncidntNum, "<br>", "<b>Category: </b>", data$Category,
                    "<br>", "<b>Description: </b>", data$Descript,
                    "<br>", "<b>Day of week: </b>", data$DayOfWeek,
                    "<br>", "<b>Date: </b>", data$Date,
                    "<br>", "<b>Time: </b>", data$Time,
                    "<br>", "<b>PD district: </b>", data$PdDistrict,
                    "<br>", "<b>Resolution: </b>", data$Resolution,
                    "<br>", "<b>Address: </b>", data$Address,
                    "<br>", "<b>Longitude: </b>", data$X,
                    "<br>", "<b>Latitude: </b>", data$Y)

leaflet(data, width = "100%") %>% addTiles() %>%
  addTiles(group = "OSM (default)") %>%
  addProviderTiles(provider = "Esri.WorldStreetMap",group = "World StreetMap") %>%
  addProviderTiles(provider = "Esri.WorldImagery",group = "World Imagery") %>%
  # addProviderTiles(provider = "NASAGIBS.ViirsEarthAtNight2012",group = "Nighttime Imagery") %>%
  addMarkers(lng = ~X, lat = ~Y, popup = data$popup, clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions()) %>%
    baseGroups = c("OSM (default)","World StreetMap", "World Imagery"),
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)

Crime Over Time


df_crime_daily <- df %>%
  mutate(Date = as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%Y")) %>%
  group_by(Date) %>%
  summarize(count = n()) %>%

plot <- ggplot(df_crime_daily, aes(x = Date, y = count)) +
  geom_line(color = "#F2CA27", size = 0.1) +
  geom_smooth(color = "#1A1A1A") +
  # fte_theme() +
  scale_x_date(breaks = date_breaks("1 year"), labels = date_format("%Y")) +
  labs(x = "Date of Crime", y = "Number of Crimes", title = "Daily Crimes in San Francisco from 2007 – 2016")

Aggregate Data

Summarize the data by incident category.

df_category <- sort(table(df$Category),decreasing = TRUE)
df_category <- data.frame(df_category[df_category > 10000])
colnames(df_category) <- c("Category", "Frequency")
df_category$Percentage <- df_category$Frequency / sum(df_category$Frequency)
datatable(df_category, options = list(scrollX='400px'))

Create a bar plot based on the incident category.

bp<-ggplot(df_category, aes(x=Category, y=Frequency, fill=Category)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + 
  theme(axis.text.x=element_blank()) + geom_text_repel(data=df_category, aes(label=Category))

Create a pie chart based on the incident category.

bp<-ggplot(df_category, aes(x="", y=Percentage, fill=Category)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") 
pie <- bp + coord_polar("y") 

Correlation Analysis

Factor by Crime Category

Certain types of crime may be more time dependent. (e.g., more traffic violations when people leave work)

df_top_crimes <- df_arrest %>%
  group_by(Category) %>% 
  summarize(count = n()) %>%

datatable(df_top_crimes, options = list(pageLength = 10,scrollX='400px'))
df_arrest_time_crime <- df_arrest %>%
  filter(Category %in% df_top_crimes$Category[2:19]) %>%
  mutate(Hour = sapply(Time, get_hour)) %>%
  group_by(Category, DayOfWeek, Hour) %>% 
  summarize(count = n())

df_arrest_time_crime$DayOfWeek <- factor(df_arrest_time_crime$DayOfWeek, level = rev(dow_format))
df_arrest_time_crime$Hour <- factor(df_arrest_time_crime$Hour, level = 0:23, label = hour_format)

datatable(df_arrest_time_crime, options = list(pageLength = 10,scrollX='400px'))
plot <- ggplot(df_arrest_time_crime, aes(x = Hour, y = DayOfWeek, fill = count)) +
  geom_tile() +
  # fte_theme() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.6, size = 4)) +
  labs(x = "Hour of Arrest (Local Time)", y = "Day of Week of Arrest", title = "Number of Police Arrests in San Francisco from 2007 – 2016, by Category and Time of Arrest") +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "#2980B9") +
  facet_wrap(~ Category, nrow = 6)

Good, but the gradients aren’t helpful because they are not normalized. We need to normalize the range on each facet. (unfortunately, this makes the value of the gradient unhelpful)

df_arrest_time_crime <- df_arrest_time_crime %>%
  group_by(Category) %>%
  mutate(norm = count/sum(count))

datatable(df_arrest_time_crime, options = list(pageLength = 10,scrollX='400px'))
plot <- ggplot(df_arrest_time_crime, aes(x = Hour, y = DayOfWeek, fill = norm)) +
  geom_tile() +
  # fte_theme() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.6, size = 4)) +
  labs(x = "Hour of Arrest (Local Time)", y = "Day of Week of Arrest", title = "Police Arrests in San Francisco from 2007 – 2016 by Time of Arrest, Normalized by Type of Crime") +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "#2980B9") +
  facet_wrap(~ Category, nrow = 6)

Factor by Police District

Same as above, but with a different facet.

df_arrest_time_district <- df_arrest %>%
  mutate(Hour = sapply(Time, get_hour)) %>%
  group_by(PdDistrict, DayOfWeek, Hour) %>% 
  summarize(count = n()) %>%
  group_by(PdDistrict) %>%
  mutate(norm = count/sum(count))

df_arrest_time_district$DayOfWeek <- factor(df_arrest_time_district$DayOfWeek, level = rev(dow_format))
df_arrest_time_district$Hour <- factor(df_arrest_time_district$Hour, level = 0:23, label = hour_format)

datatable(df_arrest_time_district, options = list(pageLength = 10,scrollX='400px'))
plot <- ggplot(df_arrest_time_district, aes(x = Hour, y = DayOfWeek, fill = norm)) +
  geom_tile() +
  # fte_theme() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.6, size = 4)) +
  labs(x = "Hour of Arrest (Local Time)", y = "Day of Week of Arrest", title = "Police Arrests in San Francisco from 2007 – 2016 by Time of Arrest, Normalized by Station") +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "#8E44AD") +
  facet_wrap(~ PdDistrict, nrow = 5)

Factor by Month

If crime is tied to activities, the period at which activies end may impact.

df_arrest_time_month <- df_arrest %>%
  mutate(Month = format(as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%Y"), "%B"), Hour = sapply(Time, get_hour)) %>%
  group_by(Month, DayOfWeek, Hour) %>% 
  summarize(count = n()) %>%
  group_by(Month) %>%
  mutate(norm = count/sum(count))

df_arrest_time_month$DayOfWeek <- factor(df_arrest_time_month$DayOfWeek, level = rev(dow_format))
df_arrest_time_month$Hour <- factor(df_arrest_time_month$Hour, level = 0:23, label = hour_format)

# Set order of month facets by chronological order instead of alphabetical
df_arrest_time_month$Month <- factor(df_arrest_time_month$Month,
                                     level = c("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"))

plot <- ggplot(df_arrest_time_month, aes(x = Hour, y = DayOfWeek, fill = norm)) +
  geom_tile() +
  # fte_theme() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.6, size = 4)) +
  labs(x = "Hour of Arrest (Local Time)", y = "Day of Week of Arrest", title = "Police Arrests in San Francisco from 2007 – 2016 by Time of Arrest, Normalized by Month") +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "#E74C3C") +
  facet_wrap(~ Month, nrow = 4)

Factor By Year

Perhaps things changed overtime?

df_arrest_time_year <- df_arrest %>%
  mutate(Year = format(as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%Y"), "%Y"), Hour = sapply(Time, get_hour)) %>%
  group_by(Year, DayOfWeek, Hour) %>% 
  summarize(count = n()) %>%
  group_by(Year) %>%
  mutate(norm = count/sum(count))

df_arrest_time_year$DayOfWeek <- factor(df_arrest_time_year$DayOfWeek, level = rev(dow_format))
df_arrest_time_year$Hour <- factor(df_arrest_time_year$Hour, level = 0:23, label = hour_format)

plot <- ggplot(df_arrest_time_year, aes(x = Hour, y = DayOfWeek, fill = norm)) +
  geom_tile() +
  # fte_theme() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.6, size = 4)) +
  labs(x = "Hour of Arrest (Local Time)", y = "Day of Week of Arrest", title = "Police Arrests in San Francisco from 2007 – 2016 by Time of Arrest, Normalized by Year") +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "#E67E22") +
  facet_wrap(~ Year, nrow = 6)